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Browse Postcode - 520115

Location Type Area/District City/LGA State Postcode
Afaha Obio Eno Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Asating Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikot Ada Idem Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikot Akpabio Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikot Ambang Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikot Ekpo Obio Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikot Enyin Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikot Obio Ama Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikot Osukpong Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikot Ukana Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikot Ukpong Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikpa Ibiono Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Ikpidop Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Mbiabam Ibiono Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Mbiakpan Atan Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Miakpan Ikot Edem Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Nkin Ibiono Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Obio Ibiono Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Okobo Ibiono Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115
Use Ikot Ekop Rural Ibiono (Southern) Ibiono Akwa Ibom 520115

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